Media Preferences for Online Gambling
50 gamblers were asked about their media preferences (devices used) to access online gambling, what influences this choice, and whether the device used varies for different types of online gambling. Results are discussed below.

The interviewees were asked about their preferred devices for accessing interactive online gambling: smartphone, tablet, computer, laptop, or digital TV. The most popular devices used were a computer (31 participants), followed by a smartphone (28 participants) and a laptop computer (22 participants).
Seven interviewees used a tablet while only one individual accessed interactive online gambling via digital TV. (Several participants used multiple devices so these numbers do not total 50).
Smartphone only
Amongst the 28 respondents who reported using their smartphone to gamble online, three reported that this was the only device they used. Of the three smartphone‐only users, two were male and all three were classified as Low PGSI and were relatively young (24‐32 years).
As highlighted in the quotes below, all three respondents reported that accessing interactive online gambling via their smartphone was convenient:
I use my iPhone … convenience. Literally, I can be at home on the toilet, at work in the office and within ten seconds, I can be on the website locked in looking at the latest bets, placing the bets. It’s just a quick convenience really.
(#31 Multiple PGSI Low Male 24 yrs)
Just convenience. Usually if we’re betting we’ll do it on the big events, which is when the (wagering operator) is really busy. I use a phone, always the phone. It’s easy to use.
(#39 Casino PGSI Low Female 28 yrs)

Computer only
Amongst the 31 respondents who reported using their computer to gamble online, 12 used only this device. Amongst these computer‐only users, one respondent was female. Also within this group, equal numbers were classified as PGSI High and PGSI Low. Eight of the 12 respondents were aged over 50 years. Reasons for gambling online using a computer-related to software, screen size, security, and speed, for example:
I can’t just bet on a phone or a laptop on the road. I need to have the software available otherwise I won’t touch it.
(#28 Sports Betting PGSI Low Male 52 yrs)
Essentially I don’t like doing it on the phone, because the screen’s too small and I don’t know how good the security is either, but supposedly it’s equal to doing it on the computer, but normally I just do it from a desktop PC. That’s what I normally use.
(#19 Race Betting PGSI High Male 52 yrs)
I use a computer only PC and I do it for speed.
(#11 Race Betting PGSI Low Male 52 yrs)
Laptop only
Amongst the 22 respondents who reported using their laptops to gamble online, four said that this was the only device they used. All four respondents were male, with two being PGSI High and two being PGSI Low. The four respondents were aged between 38 and 58 years. Only one provided any justification as to why they only used a laptop to gamble online:
I only use the laptop for Internet online gambling. Mainly for security reasons.
(#47 Lottery PGSI Low Male 38 yrs)
Digital TV
Only one respondent reported using a digital television to gamble online. This respondent
reported that they used this medium occasionally and predominately used a computer:
Computer and occasionally digital TV. I use my computer at home and I don’t have
access at work.
(#21 Race Betting PGSI Low Male 58 yrs)
Number of devices used to gamble online
Respondents varied in the number of devices they used to access interactive online gambling. Nineteen respondents used just one device. Of these, 12 used a computer, four used a laptop and three used a smartphone (as discussed above). Twenty‐three respondents used two devices to access interactive gambling.
The most popular combination was a smartphone and computer, which 11 participants used, followed by smartphone and laptop (6), computer and laptop (5), and computer and digital television (1). Eight respondents used three devices to gamble online. Three used a smartphone, computer, and laptop, three used a smartphone, laptop, and tablet, and two used a smartphone, computer, and tablet.

The use of different devices was determined by several factors, including the type of online gambling activity being undertaken, technology and applications, location and convenience, ease of use, and security concerns.
Online gambling activity determines the device
A number of participants reported that they used different devices for accessing different online gambling activities. For example, the device used for online gambling on a particular activity that required detailed research and analysis (e.g., horse racing) would be different from the device chosen for gambling on other activities. The following quotation illustrates how one participant decides which medium to use when gambling online:
It really depends. If I’m gambling on horses, if I use my desktop computer I get more access to the past history of a horse on the website, versus the mobile version. The mobile version is very basic. But if it’s something like NBA or NRL or AFL, those ones I know these things already, I know the platforms. Whereas horses, you’ll see a horse one day, but you won’t see them again for three months. Also, I would use the phone outside of my home. I use the phone the most frequently.
(#53 Multiple PGSI High Male 33 yrs)
Technology and applications determine the device
For other participants, the development of new technologies and applications resulted in a transition from gambling online through a computer to online gambling using newer technologies.
The following quotations illustrate how changing technologies have influenced the medium for accessing interactive online gambling:
For racing, I would have been using my desktop computer, for most of that period of betting it would have just been a desktop computer. In the last two years, it’s probably shifted more towards my smartphone and using apps for putting bets on.
(#17 Race Betting PGSI High Male 31 yrs)
Yes, four years on the computer, then obviously when all the iPhones came out, that’s when I turned to that.
(#6 Sports Betting PGSI Low Male 29 yrs)
No, I did use my laptop mainly, but I’ve had an iPad for about a month now and I tend to use it because it’s just convenient.
(#26 Multiple PGSI High Male (Age not provided)
Location and convenience determines device
Some respondents reported that location and convenience were determining factors when choosing the device to gamble online. For example, a mobile device such as a smartphone would often be used when outside of the home or workplace when access to a computer or laptop was not available. The following quotes illustrate how location and convenience can determine the device chosen:
I use my phone and computer. Depending upon where I am. If I’m at home and the computer’s on, I’ll use that. If I want to be lazy and not get up from the couch then I’ll pick up my phone. Sometimes when I’m at work just checking things, I’ll use my phone. I’ll use the computers at work too. It’s just what’s more convenient
(#48 Multiple PGSI Low Male 37 yrs)
Convenience influences me the most. If I am at home I will use my computer. It takes me about 25 minutes when I travel on the bus to and from work and I’ll use this time to check through the odds whilst I am commuting. I use my iPhone for this and I’ll also use my iPhone to place a bet. Also, if I am sitting at home watching sport I’ll use my iPhone as well as it might be easier than the laptop from a convenience point of view, say if I already have my phone with me.
(#5 Sports Betting PGSI Low Male 45 yrs)
Ease of use determines the device
Some respondents reported that the ease of use of the device was the determining factor when gambling online. For the following participants, a device with a larger screen, greater capacity for downloads, and quicker connections were all important factors:
I use my laptop and phone but I prefer my laptop as it’s just easier and quicker and it has a bigger screen. I’d probably only use my phone about 20% and that’s really if I’m out somewhere.
(#51 Multiple PGSI High Male 18 yrs)
I’ve never used the phone for the simple reason my eyesight isn’t good enough to download and read all the parts like on my mobile phone. I’ve only ever been on the laptop.
(#14 Race Betting PGSI High Male 58 yrs)
The capacity to run excel basically is an integral determinator for me. Just a normal home computer, not a laptop..
(#18 Race Betting PGSI Low Male 60 yrs)
I have a set up at home with software that I use and a couple of different screens and computers. I can’t just bet on a phone or a laptop on the road. I need to have the software available otherwise I won’t touch it.
(#28 Sports Betting PGSI Low Male 58 yrs)
Security concerns determine the device
Two respondents highlighted security concerns as factors when choosing the device to gamble online. As highlighted in the following two quotes, both respondents used a computer or a laptop for interactive online gambling as they considered these devices to be safer and more secure when compared with mobile technologies such as smartphones:
Essentially I don’t like doing it on the phone, because the screen’s too small and I don’t know how good the security is either, but supposedly it’s equal to doing it on the computer, but normally I just do it from a desktop PC. That’s what I normally use.
(#19 Race Betting PGSI High Male 52 yrs)
I only use the laptop for online gambling. Mainly for security reasons.
(#47 Lottery PGSI Low Male 38 yrs)
The Top Advantage Online Gambling Techniques (And Which Are Worth Trying)
- Expert Poker Play. …
- Card Counting in Blackjack. …
- Hole Carding in Blackjack and Other Casino Card Games. …
- Shuffle Tracking in Blackjack. …
- Edge Sorting in Blackjack. …
- Expert Video Poker Play on the Right Games with the Right Pay Tables.
There are three common types of gamblers, the professional gambler, the social gambler, and the problem gambler. Be aware that the problem gambler will often believe themselves to be, or pretend to be, a social or professional gambler.
In recent years, sports betting was legalized in the United States, and with it came the rise of the online betting market. Therefore, it may come as no surprise that the most popular type of online gambling in the U.S., as of September 2021, was sports betting.
How to Be Smart in a World of Dumb Gamblers?
- Know the House Edge and Betting Odds. …
- Don’t Fall for Side Wagers and Risky Prop Bets. …
- Manage Your Bankroll. …
- Don’t Play Just for Comps. …
- Make Sure You Get Comps. …
- Read Online Casino Reviews. …
- Read Online Bonus Terms and Conditions. …
- Avoid Gambling Systems – Or at Least Limit Their Use.